Приглашаем на 2-ю конференцию: «Современные оборудование и материалы защиты от коррозии. Сделано в России». Даты 26-27 сентября 2024 г
Приглашаем Вас в посетить наш стенд на выставке "Металл-Экспо 2024" которая пройдет с 29 октября по 01 ноября в г Москва, ЦВК "Экспоцентр"

Separation system (separator) of shot blasting and shot blasting chambers

The separation system of the shot blaster - in our expert opinion is the main assembly of the shot blasting chamber. Its task is to clean the shot from spent shot and dust, as well as to participate in the formation of the working mixture of the shot. The service life of the fast-wearing parts of the turbine, the direction of the shot departure torch, the service life of filter cartridges, dustiness on the surface of the parts to be cleaned, adhesion of the paintwork, etc. depend on the correctness of the separation system.

The reasons for the incorrect operation of the separation system of the shot-blasting chamber are wear, a design error of the manufacturer (especially with regard to the shot-blasting equipment from the DPRK), or the absence of a separator as an assembly.

Our company can design and manufacture a new separation system and integrate it into your current equipment, or repair the separator locally. Stages of work: the customer provides preliminary dimensions of the required assemblies, our specialists make a preliminary calculation of the project cost, then our designer goes to your company and makes measurements of the working chamber, the current augers and the elevator, then a 3-d model with new upgraded assemblies is designed. The next stage is the manufacturing process. The final stage is installation or installation supervision.
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