Приглашаем на 2-ю конференцию: «Современные оборудование и материалы защиты от коррозии. Сделано в России». Даты 26-27 сентября 2024 г
Приглашаем Вас в посетить наш стенд на выставке "Металл-Экспо 2024" которая пройдет с 29 октября по 01 ноября в г Москва, ЦВК "Экспоцентр"

Having our own foundry in addition to the main production allows us to produce:

Passing shot blaster for cleaning structures


Cartridge-type dust removal system for shot blasters: designed to capture dry metal dust formed as a result of shot blasting. They are designed to work in heavy industrial conditions to capture a large volume of dust during continuous processing.

Dust in the filtration unit of the shot blaster is captured by special cartridges with a dust cleaning and accumulation system. At the same time, they are simple and unpretentious in maintenance. Depending on the capacity, the unit is equipped with 8 to 24 cartridges (each 660 mm long). The cleaning system removes dust fr om the surface of the cartridges by accumulating it in a special dust container.

Compressed air is located in the receiver, from wh ere it is supplied by short-term pulses in accordance with the shaking cycle. Compressed air is supplied directly into the cartridge, creating a short-term overpressure in it, due to which cleaning takes place.

The shaking of the cartridges in the aspiration unit of the shot blaster takes place sequentially, one after the other. The interval between pulses and the duration is set by the manufacturer on the controller, which supports the specified cyclogram.
The absence of moving parts allows the shaking system to operate without maintenance for a sufficiently long time.
After the filter cartridges, a fan is installed that can emit purified air back into the room.

We accept orders for the manufacture of filtration units for any shot blasting and shot blasting chambers with a capacity from 8,000 to 24,000 cubic meters.


Fill out the form and our manager will contact you shortly, providing all the necessary information on your question.