Приглашаем Вас посетить наш стенд на выставке "Металлообработка. Сварка-Урал", которая пройдет с 18 по 21 марта в г. Екатеринбург, МВЦ «Екатеринбург-ЭКСПО»
Приглашаем на двухдневный семинар "Оптимизация работы дробеметного оборудования" 13-14 февраля 2025 г. г.Екатеринбург

High carbon steel Shot

Often during the technical audit of shot blasting installations on the territory of Customers, our specialists identify the client's problem with the rapid wear of components in the shot blasting plant due to the use of steel shot produced according to GOST with low resistance and high dust formation.

Having extensive experience in the maintenance of shot blasting equipment, the technical specialists of "Will Blast Technology", together with representatives of LLC "Nazarovo-Metallurgservice" - the largest producer of shot in Russia, have developed their own technical specifications with steel shot parameters more stringent to quality than the Russian GOST and the European SAE standard.

Comparative table of the main parameters of cast shot according to different quality standards:

Our TS GOST European standard
Hardness, HRc 46-51 36-52 45-51
Density, min g/cm3 7,4 7,2 7,4

As can be seen from the table presented above, the shot produced according to our TS has a narrower range in hardness and a higher density, as a result, it does not prick during operation, but wears out in diameter. Which gives it a lower consumption per ton of usable products compared to the GOST product.

We accept orders for cast steel and crushed shot, the products are in stock in Yekaterinburg".


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