
Technical audit of shot blasting and shot blasting equipment

Services Overhaul, Modernization of shot blasting and shot blasting equipment

Training of staff operating and servicing shot blasting equipment

Covering with protection of the working chamber of the shot blaster

Shot collection and recovery system (elevator, auger) for a shot blaster

Separation system (separator) of shot blasting and shot blasting chambers

Routine repair and maintenance of shot blasters
Services Overhaul, Modernization of shot blasting and shot blasting equipment
Many business leaders believe that it is easier to buy new equipment than to repair or modernize the old one, which is fundamentally wrong. Our specialists, while visiting enterprises, met shot-blasting equipment manufactured in the 80s, 90s of the last century with a margin of safety much higher than that of modern equipment.
We inform you that the company Will Blast Technology has extensive experience in the field of modernization and overhaul of shot blasting equipment. Thanks to the introduction of new technologies into the operation of shot blasting equipment and the replacement of specific equipment components, we get the following results:
We inform you that the company Will Blast Technology has extensive experience in the field of modernization and overhaul of shot blasting equipment. Thanks to the introduction of new technologies into the operation of shot blasting equipment and the replacement of specific equipment components, we get the following results:
- Reducing the wear of spare parts by 2 times or more due to the installation of a new separation and aspiration system.
- Reduction of specific shot consumption by 20-30% from the current norm by eliminating shot leaks from the system and debugging the operation of the shot–blasting turbine.
- Increasing the productivity of the shot blasting plant by 30 - 40% due to the restoration of the abrasive recovery system, changing the design of the air separator, installing pneumatic valves to feed the shot to the turbines.
- A significant reduction in dust formation due to the modernization of the aspiration system and, if necessary, the installation of a new filter unit.
- Development of design documentation for components requiring reconstruction or replacement with more efficient ones;
- Manufacturing of individual components of the shot blasting installation according to previously developed design documentation;
- Troubleshooting on-site (at the customer), by modifying or restoring individual elements of the equipment;
- If necessary, we replace quick-wearing spare parts or a shot-blasting machine assembly;
- Supervision of installation of the manufactured components of the shot-blasting unit.

Официальная торговая марка WB Technology
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