Приглашаем на 2-ю конференцию: «Современные оборудование и материалы защиты от коррозии. Сделано в России». Даты 26-27 сентября 2024 г
Приглашаем Вас в посетить наш стенд на выставке "Металл-Экспо 2024" которая пройдет с 29 октября по 01 ноября в г Москва, ЦВК "Экспоцентр"

Covering with protection of the working chamber of the shot blaster

During the operation of the shot-blasting equipment, everyone is faced with the problem of wear of the chamber protections. There may be several solutions, order expensive original spare parts in Europe, use materials with low wear resistance: Hardox, Magstrong, or use segmented protection made of wear-resistant chrome cast iron:

The armor, or shell of the shot blaster chamber, is designed to prevent the wear of the body of the shot blaster. Many European and Chinese manufacturers manufacture armor for shot blasters from a large number of segments of different sizes, which significantly complicates the repair of equipment. The service of the chief mechanic has to have a huge number of types of armor plates in stock. The second option is that the protection is made in several large segments and welded to the body. With point wear, you have to change the entire sheet.

To avoid unnecessary costs, our specialists have developed a universal solution. We manufacture 2 types of armor to protect the chamber, 15 mm thick, with overlapping sides to avoid cracks. The fastening method is simple: a stud is welded to the body, the protection is put on the stud and screwed with a special wear-resistant nut. If necessary, the protection can be adjusted to the size of the chamber using the angle grinder. In case of partial wear of one segment of the protection of the shot blaster, it can be swapped with a less worn one and continue work. This solution is applicable for any type of shot blasting equipment.

Stages of work: the customer provides preliminary dimensions of the working chamber, our specialists make a preliminary calculation of the cost of the project, then our designer goes to your company and makes measurements of the working chamber, then a 3-d model is designed and the required number of armor segments is placed in it. The next stage is the manufacturing process. The final stage is installation or installation supervision. When ordering a complete covering with protection of the working chamber of the shot blaster, a three-year warranty is provided for the operation of the equipment.
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