Приглашаем Вас посетить наш стенд на выставке "Металлообработка. Сварка-Урал", которая пройдет с 18 по 21 марта в г. Екатеринбург, МВЦ «Екатеринбург-ЭКСПО»
Приглашаем на двухдневный семинар "Оптимизация работы дробеметного оборудования" 13-14 февраля 2025 г. г.Екатеринбург

We manufacture spare parts for shot blaster under WB Technology brand:

Control valve

The valve for regulating the supply of shot to the turbines is designed to dispense the amount of shot supplied from the storage hopper to the shot-blasting turbine. Often, the breakdown of this assembly leads to the fact that when the turbine stops, the shot continues to flow into it and, as a result, the turbine is filled with the shot. And at its next start, the engine jams and breaks down. Correct adjustment allows you to get its maximum performance from the turbine with optimal engine operation.

Principle of operation:  turning on the turbine, output at 3000 rpm, automatic opening of the valve by means of a pneumatic pulse coming from the switch cabinet, when disconnected, the valve closes first, and the turbine continues to work for 1 minute, then the turbine is turned off. The set of the shot blaster valve includes: the valve itself and the control cabinet (one for several valves).

We accept orders for valves for adjusting the supply of shot to the turbine for shot blasters of any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings."


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