Приглашаем на 2-ю конференцию: «Современные оборудование и материалы защиты от коррозии. Сделано в России». Даты 26-27 сентября 2024 г
Приглашаем Вас в посетить наш стенд на выставке "Металл-Экспо 2024" которая пройдет с 29 октября по 01 ноября в г Москва, ЦВК "Экспоцентр"

Jupiter blast wheel

The shot-blasting turbine is specially designed as a highly efficient analogue of expensive shot-blasting machines of European manufacturers.

Advantages of our turbine:

  1. We have ourown foundryspecializing in the manufacture of spare parts for shot blasters, which allows us to carry out components for our turbine according to independently developed chemistry and proven process technology.
  2. Maximum performance. The turbine feeder is equipped with a natural air intake system, which allows the shot to be distributed over the entire working surface of the blade and to form the maximum possible width of the shot departure torch.
  3. Increased protection of moving elements. The design of the armor has additional barriers that prevent the shot from hitting the impeller and hub. Fasteners made of an alloy specially designed for abrasive wear are also used.
  4. Versatility of installation. Our turbine can be used on any type of shot blasting equipment, regardless of its origin. We will manufacture the transition flange for German, Italian, Chinese or Russian equipment.
  5. Technical support. The specialists of our company have extensive experience in the operation of shot-blasting equipment and will always be able to help solve the issues of setting up and adjusting shot-blasting turbines and the installation itself.
Our shot-blasting machine is universal, it can be used on any kind of shot-blasting equipment, from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc

Technical audit of shot blasting and shot blasting equipment

Shot-blasting equipmentis a machine that is engaged in self-destruction, and in the process cleans your parts. Often a small trifle in the form of an improperly installed distribution chamber or wear of the receiving plate of the elevator can lead to severe consequences: increased wear of spare parts, low cleaning speed, failure to achieve the required quality of machined parts.

We are often approached by customers with a simple phrase: "It does not clean", behind which lie dozens of factors “why”. Our company has extensive experience in finding the causes of inefficient operation of shot blasting equipment. To help our customers, we provide a technical audit service for shot blasting and shot blasting equipment, which includes:

  • Departure of our technical specialist to your company;
  • Communication with the engineering services of the enterprise in order to identify problems;
  • Inspection of equipment;
  • Identification of the causes of malfunctions;
  • Preparation of a technical report with recommendations for the elimination of identified malfunctions;
  • Development of a defective statement with parts and assemblies requiring replacement;
We accept orders for technical audit of shot blasting equipment from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Jupiter blast wheel with drive

The shot-blasting turbine is specially designed to replace low-efficiency obsolete turbines of the type: shot-blasting apparatus 42115, 42125 manufactured by Amurlitmash

Advantages of our turbine:

  1. We have our own foundryspecializing in the manufacture of spare parts for shot blasters, which allows us to carry out components for our turbine according to independently developed chemistry and proven process technology.
  2. Maximum performance.The turbine feeder is equipped with a natural air intake system, which allows the shot to be distributed over the entire working surface of the blade and to form the maximum possible width of the shot departure torch.
  3. Increased protection of moving elements.The design of the armor has additional barriers that prevent the shot from hitting the impeller and hub. Fasteners made of an alloy specially designed for abrasive wear are also used.
  4. Versatility of installation.Our turbine can be used on any type of shot blasting equipment, regardless of its origin. We will manufacture the transition flange for German, Italian, Chinese or Russian equipment.
  5. Technical support.The specialists of our company have extensive experience in the operation of shot-blasting equipment and will always be able to help solve the issues of setting up and adjusting shot-blasting turbines and the installation itself.
Our shot-blasting machine is universal, it can be used on any kind of shot-blasting equipment, from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Services Overhaul, Modernization of shot blasting and shot blasting equipment

Many business leaders believe that it is easier to buy new equipment than to repair or modernize the old one, which is fundamentally wrong. Our specialists, while visiting enterprises, met shot-blasting equipment manufactured in the 80s, 90s of the last century with a margin of safety much higher than that of modern equipment.

We inform you that the company Will Blast Technology has extensive experience in the field of modernization and overhaul of shot blasting equipment. Thanks to the introduction of new technologies into the operation of shot blasting equipment and the replacement of specific equipment components, we get the following results:

  • Reducing the wear of spare parts by 2 times or more due to the installation of a new separation and aspiration system.
  • Reduction of specific shot consumption by 20-30% from the current norm by eliminating shot leaks from the system and debugging the operation of the shot–blasting turbine.
  • Increasing the productivity of the shot blasting plant by 30 - 40% due to the restoration of the abrasive recovery system, changing the design of the air separator, installing pneumatic valves to feed the shot to the turbines.
  • A significant reduction in dust formation due to the modernization of the aspiration system and, if necessary, the installation of a new filter unit.
The modernization of the shot-blasting equipment includes:
  • Development of design documentation for components requiring reconstruction or replacement with more efficient ones;
  • Manufacturing of individual components of the shot blasting installation according to previously developed design documentation;
  • Troubleshooting on-site (at the customer), by modifying or restoring individual elements of the equipment;
  • If necessary, we replace quick-wearing spare parts or a shot-blasting machine assembly;
  • Supervision of installation of the manufactured components of the shot-blasting unit.
To determine the amount of work required, it is required to organize the departure of our representatives to your company in order to carry out a defect of the current condition of the equipment and calculate the cost of work on its modernization. Upon the visit, you will receive a detailed technical report with the assemblies of your equipment that require replacement or modification, as well as a commercial offer for further work.

High carbon steel Shot

Often during the technical audit of shot blasting installations on the territory of Customers, our specialists identify the client's problem with the rapid wear of components in the shot blasting plant due to the use of steel shot produced according to GOST with low resistance and high dust formation.

Having extensive experience in the maintenance of shot blasting equipment, the technical specialists of "Will Blast Technology", together with representatives of LLC "Nazarovo-Metallurgservice" - the largest producer of shot in Russia, have developed their own technical specifications with steel shot parameters more stringent to quality than the Russian GOST and the European SAE standard.

Comparative table of the main parameters of cast shot according to different quality standards:

Our TS GOST European standard
Hardness, HRc 46-51 36-52 45-51
Density, min g/cm3 7,4 7,2 7,4

As can be seen from the table presented above, the shot produced according to our TS has a narrower range in hardness and a higher density, as a result, it does not prick during operation, but wears out in diameter. Which gives it a lower consumption per ton of usable products compared to the GOST product.

We accept orders for cast steel and crushed shot, the products are in stock in Yekaterinburg".

Training of staff operating and servicing shot blasting equipment

The problem of qualified staff is especially acute for the heads of enterprises that have purchased or are already operating shot-blasting equipment. Equipment suppliers are often not themselves competent in the technology and maintenance of the equipment they supply, and the knowledge transferred to the enterprise is limited to the sequence of pressing the control buttons. There are no colleges and technical schools that train shot throwers and shot blasters in Russia. In most cases, the staff are self-taught, who unknowingly make mistakes that lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the equipment and increase the cost of operation.

Our company has extensive experience in the field of maintenance and operation of shot blasting equipment. We offer you a range of services that will improve the efficiency of your equipment and reduce the cost of cleaning:

The first day - a full technical audit of the operation of shot-blasting equipment:

Upon the audit, a detailed technical report will be provided on the shortcomings seen and ways to eliminate them

The second day is staff training. Recommended participants: chief technologist, shop technologists, shop foreman, repairmen, specialists of the main power engineer service, operators.

The training is divided into 2 parts.

Part 1 - theoretical (3 hours):

• Rules for selecting shots to meet customer requirements: degree of cleaning, roughness, productivity;
• Setting up the separation system, control methods;
• Methods of setting up the aspiration system;
• Adjusting the position of the turbine torches, depending on the condition of the equipment;
• The regularity of replacement of components, depending on wear.

Part 2 - practical (3 hours) – working out of the received materials on the equipment.

Upon completion of the training, checklists are provided for daily monitoring of equipment operation, i.e. a list of actions for each category of staff that must be performed for the effective operation of equipment with a minimum cost.

We accept orders for the training of staff operating and servicing shot-blasting equipment of any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Saturn blast wheel

Technical specifications:

Turbine rotation speed - 2950 rpm
Turbine capacity - 250 kg/min
The rate of the shot departure is - 80 m/s
Turbine wheel diameter - 300 mm (double-disc wheel)
Number of blades - 8 pcs

The Saturn turbine can be equipped with an asynchronous electric motor with a power of 11 – 15 kW.

Advantages of our turbine:
Technical specifications:

Turbine rotation speed - 2950 rpm
Turbine capacity - 250 kg/min
The rate of the shot departure is - 80 m/s
Turbine wheel diameter - 300 mm (double-disc wheel)
Number of blades - 8 pcs

The Saturn turbine can be equipped with an asynchronous electric motor with a power of 11 – 15 kW.

Advantages of our turbine:

  1. High durability of components. We have our own foundry, specialized in the manufacture of spare parts for shot blasters, which allows us to perform components for our turbine according to independently developed chemistry and proven process technology.
  2. Maximum performance. The turbine feeder is equipped with a natural air intake system, which allows the shot to be distributed over the entire working surface of the blade and to form the maximum possible width of the shot departure torch.
  3. Increased protection of moving elements. The design of the armor has additional barriers that prevent the shot from hitting the impeller and hub. Fasteners made of an alloy specially designed for abrasive wear are also used.
  4. Technical support. The specialists of our company have extensive experience in the operation of shot-blasting equipment and will always be able to help solve the issues of setting up and adjusting shot-blasting turbines and the installation itself.
Our shot-blasting machine is universal, it can be used on any kind of shot-blasting equipment, from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc..

long-lasting blades

The shot-blasting blade is designed to release the shot from the turbine onto the billet. As a result, it is subject to intensive wear and tear by the shot abrasive.. The average service life of the shot-blasting blade is 700 hours (provided the equipment is operated correctly). 

We accept orders for the manufacture of blades for shot blasters of any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings.

Hanger Type Machines dead-end

The specialists of our company have designed a universal overhead shot blaster designed for use in harsh conditions of foundries and blacksmith shops. Our advantages:

Working chamber
Unlike our competitors, we do not save on metal. The body of the overhead type shot blaster is made of sheets with a thickness of 8-10mm. The inner walls of the chamber are protected by sheets of chrome-plated cast iron with locks 15 mm thick (hardness 58-62 Hrc).

Saturn shot-blasting turbine
The dead-end shot blaster is equipped with 2 Saturn turbines with asynchronous electric motors with a power of 11.0 kW.

Transportation system
The rail is made of an I-beam - 24M. Switching between the two hoists takes place using a pneumatically-operated point. The supply and departure of equipment to and from the camera is carried out automatically.

Provides lifting of the contaminated fraction to the separator. The belt tension occurs by moving the upper drum. The conveyor belt is made of abrasion-resistant rubber with a textile gasket. The buckets are solid cast from chrome-plated cast iron. Rotation of the elevator is carried out by a gear motor, which is mounted on the upper drive drum.

Coarse air purification system:
Instead of the outdated cyclone system, a precipitation ladder is used in the shot blasting chamber: air, together with shot and dust particles, enters the ladder, inside which a movable plate is provided. Large particles hitting the plate return to the system, and the dust enters the filter. By adjusting the height of the plate, you can change the size of the particles returned to the system. The precipitation ladder reduces the shot abrasive consumption by 10% and significantly increases the service life of filters.

Cartridge-type dust removal system:
The filter unit "F - 8000" is designed to capture dry metal dust formed as a result of shot blasting. It is designed to work in heavy industrial conditions, to capture a large volume of dust during continuous processing.
The dust in the filter unit "F8000" is captured by special cartridges with a dust cleaning and accumulation system, while they are simple and unpretentious to maintain. The unit is equipped with 8 cartridges. The cleaning system removes dust from the surface of the cartridges by accumulating it in a special dust container.

Control cabinet:
The automated control system of the shot blaster includes equipment from leading European and domestic manufacturers. The system ensures efficient and safe operation of the equipment throughout the entire period of operation. The automated control system of the shot blaster is built on the2 basis of a panel controller from B & R (in terms of quality parameters, it is not inferior to Siemens). It is installed on the local control panel of the shot blaster and is designed to implement algorithms for controlling equipment in manual and automatic mode, and also displays information about the condition of the equipment."

Distribution chamber

The distribution chamber is an element that determines the angle of departure of the shot abrasive from the turbine. The distribution chamber can be called a shot blaster sight, since the speed of cleaning the part depends on its correct position. The average service life of the distribution chamber is 1000 hours (provided that the equipment is operated correctly). We accept orders for the manufacture of distribution chambers for shot blasters of any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings.


The impeller or accelerator is designed to dispense the flow of shot ejected onto the blade. The impeller gives the initial acceleration of the shot abrasive. The average service life of the impeller is 1000 hours (provided the equipment is operated correctly).

We accept orders for the manufacture of impellers for shot blasters of any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also produce parts according to customer's drawings.

Saturn blast wheel with drive

The Saturn shot blasting machine is specially designed to replace low-efficiency obsolete turbines of the following type:shot blasting machine 4B114, 4B114-01, 4B124, 4B124-01 manufactured by Amurlitmash

Advantages of our shot blasting machine:

  1. Reducing the wear of chamber components. .There are 8 blades in our turbine, 6 in the Amurlitmash turbine, the shot is fed in smaller portions per blade. As a result, a narrow, directional flow of departure prevents the spread of shot through the working chamber, reducing the wear of the protections.
  2. We haveour own foundry, specialized in the manufacture of spare parts for shot blasters, which allows us to perform components for our turbine according to independently developed chemistry and proven process technology.
  3. Maximum performance. The turbine feeder is equipped with a natural air intake system, which allows the shot to be distributed over the entire working surface of the blade and to form the maximum possible width of the shot departure torch.
  4. Increased protection of moving elements.The design of the armor has additional barriers that prevent the shot from hitting the impeller and hub. Fasteners made of an alloy specially designed for abrasive wear are also used.
  5. Versatility of installation..Our turbine can be used on any type of shot blasting equipment, regardless of its origin. We will manufacture the transition flange for German, Italian, Chinese or Russian equipment.
  6. Technical support.The specialists of our company have extensive experience in the operation of shot-blasting equipment and will always be able to help solve the issues of setting up and adjusting shot-blasting turbines and the installation itself.
Our shot-blasting machine is universal, it can be used on any kind of shot-blasting equipment, from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc

Wheel for mounting blades

The wheel for fixing the turbine blades, in another way the impeller, is designed to transfer energy from the engine to the blades.Wheels can be of two versions: double-disc and single-disc. This element of the turbine has very high requirements for machining from our production. We have a test bench that allows us to eliminate any wheel runouts at the manufacturing stage. The average service life of the turbine impeller is from 1500 operating hours (subject to correct operation of the equipment).

We accept orders for the production of turbine impellers of a shot blaster from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings.

Top liner Protection turbine

The upper armor protects the turbine housing cover from a direct hit of shot. This element is wearable in case of untimely adjustment of the shot departure torch, as well as wear of the distribution chamber and blades. The average service life is 1500 hours (subject to the correct operation of the equipment).

We accept orders for the manufacture of upper turbine armor for shot blasters of any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings.

Side Liner protection turbine

The side armor protects the turbine body from a direct hit of shot. With timely adjustment of the position of the shot departure torch, this element is not wearable, since it has minimal contact with the shot and can last more than 1500 hours.

We accept orders for the manufacture of turbine side armor for shot blasters from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings.

End Liner Protection turbine

The end armor protects the turbine housing, the feeder and the electric motor from a direct hit of shot. This element is not wearable, as it practically has no contact with the shot and can last more than 2500 hours.

We accept orders for the manufacture of turbine end armor for shotguns from any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings.

Filters for shot blasters

In order to optimize their own costs in the production and supply of shot blasters, the specialists of our company organized an adjacent production focused on the manufacture of consumable air purification elements - cartridge filters. The study, development of production technology and testing of prototypes took place exclusively by our specialists and in terms of comparison with European samples on shot blasters supplied by renowned companies in Germany, Slovenia and Italy. The result of painstaking work was an absolute analogue of European quality with a budget lower than replicas in China.

Our main advantages are as follows:

- The minimum life cycle is 2500 hours, provided proper operation.
- The price is 15-20% lower than the original components due to the availability of own production.
- The production and delivery time is 15 working days.
- Commissioning without additional intervention in the equipment.

We accept orders for the manufacture of air filters for shot blasters and shot blasting chambers of any manufacturers: European, Chinese, Russian, etc. We can also make parts according to the customer's drawings.

Pass-through Hanger Type Machines

The specialists of our company have designed a universal overhead shot blaster designed for use in harsh conditions of foundries and blacksmith shops. Our advantages:

Working chamber
Unlike our competitors, we do not save on metal. The body of the overhead type shot blaster is made of sheets with a thickness of 8-10mm. The inner walls of the chamber are protected by sheets of chrome-plated cast iron with locks 15 mm thick (hardness 58-62 Hrc).

Saturn shot-blasting turbine
The pass-through shot blaster with suspension is equipped with 4 Saturn turbines with asynchronous electric motors with a power of 11.0 kW.

Transportation system
The rail is made of an I-beam - 24M. The supply and departure of equipment to and from the camera is carried out automatically.

Provides lifting of the contaminated shot abrasive to the separator. The belt tension occurs by moving the upper drum. The conveyor belt is made of abrasion-resistant rubber with a textile gasket. The buckets are solid cast from chrome-plated cast iron. Rotation of the elevator is carried out by a gear motor, which is mounted on the upper drive drum.

Coarse air purification system:
Instead of the outdated cyclone system, a precipitation ladder is used in the shot blasting chamber: air, together with shot and dust particles, enters the ladder, inside which a movable plate is provided. Large particles hitting the plate return to the system, and the dust enters the filter. By adjusting the height of the plate, you can change the size of the particles returned to the system. The precipitation ladder reduces the fraction consumption by 10% and significantly increases the service life of filters

Cartridge-type dust removal system:
The filter unit "F - 10000" is designed to capture dry metal dust formed as a result of shot blasting. They are designed to work in heavy industrial conditions, to capture a large volume of dust during continuous processing.
Dust in the filter unit "F - 10000" is captured by special cartridges with a dust cleaning and accumulation system, while they are simple and unpretentious to maintain. The unit is equipped with 8 cartridges. The cleaning system removes dust from the surface of the cartridges by accumulating it in a special dust container.

Control cabinet:
The automated control system of the shot blaster includes equipment from leading European and domestic manufacturers. The system ensures efficient and safe operation of the equipment throughout the entire period of operation. The automated control system of the shot blaster is built on the  basis of a panel controller from B & R (in terms of quality parameters, it is not inferior to Siemens). It is installed on the local control panel of the shot blaster and is designed to implement algorithms for controlling equipment in manual and automatic mode, and also displays information about the condition of the equipment.


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